Sunday, 17 October 2010

The Tripe baths are coming home!

Thanks to Farmac building supplies and the civic society who are arranging the transportation of the old tripe baths that have been in storage since the start of the bus station build.
On the 6th November they will be moved to their new home in the Lowtown garden, with a bit of help from friends.
Photos and a post on this event to follow.

It`s that time of year again!

Time to start the replanting of the troughs and flower tubs with primulas, pansies and bulbs. Twenty troughs to plant up, that`s quite a feat!
Trying to make Pudsey looking its best at the moment is a challenge with the continuing mayhem caused by the building of the new bus station, but the end is in sight, and in the meantime we carry on with the good work...we hope that everyone appreciates our efforts!