Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Update on our Coffee Morning

This took place at Pudsey House on Saturday 11th June and was a great success, a big thank you to everyone who gave us their support. It was hard work and most of the hard work fell to Maureen who did much of the organising! We arrived by 8 am to set up the stalls..Tombola, Plants, Bric-a-brac, and refreshments, thanks Julie for the wonderful cup cakes, they went down a treat!

Business was slow at first so we moved a table outside to sell the plants and entice people inside and it worked. We raised £250 for funds, and will definately give this another go!

Here are a few action shots:

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Spring Comments now available.

Following our Spring judging in April, the following comments have now been posted on the Yorkshire In Bloom website- I am sure you will agree they are very encouraging!

This small group of dedicated “In Bloomers” are working hard to sustain their efforts across the townand are encouraging young people to get involved in horticultural projects where possible to improve their environment.
SECTION A – Horticultural AchievementAreas of Achievement:The well maintained gardens at the Baptist Church, season colour at St Andrews Methodist Churchand the groomed lawns at the Parish Church. Floral contributions from Mahony & Ward FuneralDirectors, Crossed Shuttle and Stroom add colour around the route. General standard of residential gardens across the town and colourful display at the Fire Station House. The standards of maintenance and the many facilities at Pudsey Park. The refurbishment of Sparrow park.Permanent planting at the Low Town Gardens and the library beds, and the colourful planters at theWar Memorial. The barrier baskets, and tubs maintained by the group, along side the car park beds and small seasonal bed and lawned area outside the Jet station.
Areas for Improvement:We look forward to seeing Sparrow Park evolve over the coming months and maybe considerationbe given to interpretation within the area.Consider a knee rail around the turf area out side the Fire Station house to stop people walking overthis grass; it will help to enhance the planting display in this area.Consider improving the range of colour at the Claremont sheltered housing development by planting areas of early-flowering bulbs i.e. crocuses, to complement the fine daffs.
SECTION B – Environmental ResponsibilityAreas of Achievement:Areas within Pudsey Park, the wildlife areas set aside and the education centre are interesting features within the park. The Tripe Baths at Low Town Garden are a quirky addition to the route.The use of recycled plastic seats at Low Town. The fact that both the Civic Society & the Allotments
ociety are involved with PiB. The town was exceptionally clean and tidy, both litter & graffiti free.
Areas for Improvement:The inclusion of the interpretation boards will help to tell the story for visitors to Low Town Gardens.It would be nice to see some sort of wildlife project within the route that PiB are involved withdirectly. Attention to the detritus at the footpath along side Claremont Grove complex, and the entrance into Lloyds Pharmacy could do with a little attention, possible site for future improvements/clean up. Possible additions that would add interest to the already excellent PudseyPark would be to utilise the empty tanks in the aquarium by introducing a few more species of nativefreshwater fish (if these can’t be sought from captive stock then perhaps consider a few fancygoldfish); and introducing a few more native British captive-bred finches to the aviary.
SECTION C – Community ParticipationAreas of Achievement:The involvement with Crawshaw high school in the development of Sparrow Park is a credit to the Group and the young people involved. The sponsorship from local business’s and the bus company are to be encouraged, good in roads being made. The bulb planting scheme at Claremont Grove Complex and the involvement with the residents and school children. The PiB blog is an interesting concept and it gets the message out to the internet society. Funding contributions from both the Civic Society & Allotment Society towards the refurbishment of SparrowPark.
Areas for Improvement:Continue to work with the high school and other local primary schools within the area. Try to encourage the primary school near Sparrow Park to be involved in its development. To further increase community awareness, consider advertising PiB in the local library.