Monday, 31 March 2014

Display boards to show off our work.

The group have now purchased some fold away display boards that we can use at various events to show case our work and let the wider community see what we get up to. We used these for the first time on Saturday 29th March at the Pudsey Allotment spring flower show and had a lot of interest and encouraging entries in our comments book. The boards fold away and are relatively easy to transport, we will be using them again to display our work to the Yorkshire in Bloom judges when they visit on the 7th April and then again when we have our plant sale on the 17th May at the Pudsey Carnival:

We have a logo.

Thanks to one of our members, Margaret, who has put in a lot of work, we have now adopted a logo for the group, here it is in two forms, look out for both in our future posts and leaflets: