Saturday, 17 January 2015

An interesting photo.

I noticed that someone had posted an old picture on facebook of what would have been Job Ross`s old tripe premises at the edge of Lowtown Garden, truly fitting then that his old tripe preparation baths are now situated here, thanks to a joint effort from ourselves and the civic society to preserve them, thought you might be interested to see this old photo, I don`t think this is the original building but it definitely pre-dates the one there now:

Monday, 5 January 2015

Happy New Year!

We have all had a well earned break over Christmas, but are now back up and ready to run for 2015!
If you would like to join us then please come along to our first meeting of 2015 , we are a very friendly group. The first meeting is on Thursday 29th January starting at 6pm at Pudsey leisure centre, subsequent meetings are the last Thursday of the month (through to July)...same place ...same time. Check the News section to the left of the blog for updates and dates of planting sessions etc.