Sunday 11 October 2009

Autumn Tidying.

A couple of members met to tidy up the Lowtown beds; now that the benches are finally in place, the flowers and grasses needed cutting back, although some like the Stipa were left for their ornamental seed heads. Unfortunately, mainly due to the bin strikes, there was also quite a lot of litter around, so this was bagged up too!

We are hoping to take on board one of the comments from the Yorkshire In Bloom judges who suggested that we should plant up the borders with lavender to compliment the blue hydrangeas, so we are already propogating some cuttings, but we would be most grateful to anyone out there reading this blog who has any spare lavender plants they would like to donate to us.

We have also been busy preparing the barrier troughs for the winter planting, and today we made a start by emptying them of all the summer bedding which is now starting to die off.

Once we have bought the primulas and violas to supplement the bulbs that we managed to save from last years display, we will be meeting again to replant them.

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